Thursday, May 9, 2013

Series on Revelation

I just finished a five week sermon series on Revelation which addressed not all, but some of the key scripture passages in the book.  One section I did not cover was the number of the antiChrist, which is 666.  As a kid it always fascinted me and I used to go around with thoughts of what kind of machine would punch a number of your forehead?  We probably have such a machine today, but that is not how you interpret the Revelation to John.  It is filled with apocalyptic writings and must be interpreted symbolically.  Of course, as an adult we know the number 666 was code for the Roman Emperor, Nero.  Bruce Metzger's book, Breaking the Code, written 20 years ago in 1993 accurately identified the number in saying, "Among the names and titles that have been proposed to solve the cryptogram, the most probably candidate is the Emperor Nero.  If we add the numerical values in the Hebrew spelling of the name Neron Caesar we obtain 666; on the other hand, since  his name can equally well be spelled without the last N, if we omit the final N, the total will be 616.  The fact that some ancient manuscripts of the book of Revelation give the number as 616, instead of 666; there does not appaer to be any other name, or a name with a title, that satisfies both 666 and 616."

Well, there have been many Nero's who have ruled different lands since the fall of the Roman Empire.  Only only has to consider the latter half of the last century and look at Germany's HItler, or Cambodia's Pol Pot, to see how history often repeats itself.  You can probably name some 21st century rulers who fit this image.  Nevertheless, what does this say to the church today?  We are born with an innate need to worship, and if we do not worship the true God, then we will create some god to worship, even if it is ourselves!  Such distortion only leads to further distortion, and this leads to all kinds of injustices.  

Most of us will not lead the life of a sadistic dictator, but we can still live as if we are our own God who can control our own destiny.  Perhaps it would be better to humble ourselves and remember who we are, and who God is who created heaven and earth.  As we approach Pentecost, let us remember where our real power comes from - not from ourselves - but from the one true God who loves us and calls us to love one another.  Let us open ourselves once again to receive the Holy Spirit that unites people (Pentecost) as opposed to the spirit of sin that divides people (Tower of Babel).  Let God rule in you.

Hence, the number 7, which is the number for God.  Let us strive to be that perfect 7, even as our Father in heaven is perfect.  (Matthew 5:48)  We strive for this perfection not because we can attain it, but because the striving for it is making perfect our faith.  (Hebrews 12:2)  Anything less, always falls short of what God wants us to desire, leaving us as little more than a number repeating itself ... 666666666 - something to think about.

- Dennis

1 comment:

  1. The symbolism of Rev. 13 includes a beastly world empire, that comes out of the (international) seas with its sword to conquer, including saints who speak against it. There might even be a world empire in 2013 that spreads its violence all over the earth, and calls its citizens--and churches--to give their allegiance to it.
