Many know what they want, but few know what they need. This is a common expression your hear today, and in a society like the United States where everything you want can be purchased with the swipe of plastic - provided you have the credit - we have become a society of demanding, complaining consumers who believe life is all about consumption of stuff. Unfortunately, that mindset invades the prayer life of many Christian people who spend their time in prayer complaining to God about all that ails them and evil injustices done to them, while also demanding answers in ways that will satisfy their own agendas! Such prayers do little to build our trust in God, let alone a relationship with him. In his book, Praying Like Jesus, author James Mulholland writes about this condition, but he also shows us the better way of Jesus in saying, "When I come before God with my complaints and demands, when I ask for what I think will satisfy, seek what I hope will fill my void, and knock at doors I want to be opened, I am like a distrustful child. In those moments, my Father in heaven scoops me into his arms and says, - 'Peace. Be still. Trust me.' - When I finally quiet myself and relax in his presence, I discover mly complaints were selfish and my demands unnecessary. I am provided with exactly what I need - his love." Today let yourself be loved. Fina a quiet place where you can let go of all the complaints and demands that stress your heart. Empty your heart of these things, and let God fill your heart with his love. It's a heart warming experience that can rescue you from yourself. Yes, there is so much we want out of life, but only God's love can give us what we need!
- Dennis
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