Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just say "Thank You"

As of today, we are in day 7 since we lost power last week due to the extreme storms that plummeted our area with high winds,hail and tornadoes. My wife and I were fortunate in that we only lost power. Our house was not damaged, no trees down, and we have given thanks for small little blessings like gas operated water heaters. Our inconvenience is nothing when compared to the destruction of private propetry and the loss of human life that occured last week. Our prayers continue to go out to all individuals and families impacted by this terrible storm.

Now is the time to show patience and gratitude as well as prayer. The service crews continue to work around the clock as they chop up and remove down trees as well as repair broken power lines. As the days drag on, it is easy to complain about what is not done "at our house" when you see the lights on at "the other house". Let's not become self-centered in time of clean-up. Service crews are doing all they can, working as hard as they can, for everyone's benefit. So, please say "thank you" when you see a service crew today. Say a prayer of thanks for all they are doing for us. Just say "thank you".


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