Thursday, March 6, 2014

Season of Lent

We often speak of the season of Lent as a time of repentance and spiritual preparation for the soul as we take the inward journey toward the cross and the celebration of Easter when Jesus rose from the dead.  It's common for our conversation around Lent to focus on what we are giving up for God.  As children we were told that giving up some of our pleasures in life, like not eating chocolate during Lent, makes Easter even more special when we go to church on Easter Sunday and have chocolate in Sunday school and at lunch.  We even had our Easter Egg hunts at home on Easter Sunday and yes, chocolate flowed in abundance with many a chocolate covered egg and Easter bunny.  Of course, the bunny had nothing to do with Jesus, but it was sure fun eating a chocolate covered bunny for lunch.

This season for Lent, why not try a different route.  Instead of giving something up, why not take something on?  In some ways, it is more sacrificial to take something on given how busy our lives are these days, but what about taking something on that glorifies God and makes a positive difference in the life of another?  It could be something like working an Emmaus Walk, volunteering at a community kitchen, helping a next door neighbor who needs assistance, or even making an extra financial commitment to an organization that is making a difference in the community.  Many are the ways we can help by taking on something good.  Hopefully, it can make Lent a fun as well as worthwhile season of giving.  After all, Jesus gave the ultimate gift, his own life as sacrifice for all.  

John Wesley once said, "Do all the good you can.  By all the means you can.  In all the ways you can.  In all the places you can.  At all the times you can.  To all the people you can.  As long as ever you can." 


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