Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shaking Your Bucket

Years ago I heard someone say, "No one is expendable. We all can be replaced. If you want to know the truth, just put your fist in a bucket of water, and the hole that is left when you pull your fist out, is how much you will be missed." When I first heard this I thought "how true." Of course, we will all be missed by some people when we leave our buckets in life, but in time, the hole becomes filled and new personalities ride toward the next sunrise. But lest we begin to feel that we have little value, just remember, no one can shake the bucket like you can. We all have our own unique way of shaking our presence in the water buckets of life. The real question is - what will we do with the time we have while shaking the bucket?

In his booklet, Live to Make a Difference, Max Lucado writes, "No one else has your version. You'll never bump into yourself on the sidewalk. You'll never meet anyone who has your exact blend of lineage, loves, and longings. Your life will never be lived by anyone else. Life is racing by, and it's not enough for you to do well. You want to do good. You want your life to matter. You want to live in such a way that the world will be glad you did." The point of it all is that you can make a difference with the life you've been given, and you can make that difference in a way that no one else can; and it begins with the people who walk into your life on each given day. Many want to change the world, but it starts one person at a time.

Why not try shaking your bucket today and share the water of a good smile, a warm handshake, or even an encouraging word. Then, if you are really brave, try saying a prayer for those you meet, or sharing your witness so that they might discover the living water that will never leave their buckets dry again. God works in mysterious ways, and you might want to consider who God will send your way to fill your bucket.


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