Thursday, March 14, 2013

Boat Stories

I call them boat stories, those stories in the gospels where Jesus calms the storm that threatens the lives of the disciples while they are in the boat travelling across water.  There is one particular story told in three of the gospels - Matthew, Mark and John.  It is the story when Jesus sent his disciples to the other side in a boat while he goes into the mountains to pray alone.  It is in the fourth watch of the night, which is sometime between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. that the disciples find themselves on a boat, alone, in a storm.  Suddenly Jesus appears to them, walking on the water.  The disciples were afraid fearing that they were seeing a ghost, but Jesus says to them, "Take Courage.  It is I.  Don't be Afraid."  Then Jesus enters the boat and calms the storm.  When you compare the three stories, Matthew provides one addition - the conversation between Jesus and Peter when Peter says, "Lord, if it's you, tell me to come to you on the water."  Jesus said, "Come."  Peter started walking on the water, until he saw the wind, then became afraid, and he began to drown.  He cried out, "Lord, save me."  Jesus did reach out his hand and pulled Peter to safety.  Then Jesus said, "You of little faith.  Why did you doubt?"

It's one thing to walk on a boat that shifts with the flow of the water below it.  There is a cadence you have to develop to walk on water, even when you are on a ship.  One can only imagine the spiritual cadence you have to develop to walk with Jesus on nothing but water itself.  Well, perhaps Jesus doesn't call us to walk on water literally, but he does call us to follow him, and to walk with him in faith can feel as uncertain and frightening as walking on water by itself.  You can't control the wind and the waves against you.  Life has many uncontrollabe events that frighten us, and we can spiritually drown in all of life's fear.  How do we overcome?

Keep  your eyes on Jesus, and as Matthew reminds us, when we begin to sink in our fear and uncertainty, and we will from time to time, reach out for his hand to pull you out.

This week, as you continue your journey toward the cross and the truth behind the empty tomb, your walk will take you across the water.  Yes, swinging bridges, small boats - all can feel unsteady and uncertain, just like faith.  Just keep your eyes on Jesus, and reach out for his hand when you begin to sink.  He will keep you on the Lenten journey.


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Luke 19:28 - "He went on ahead, going up to Jerusalem."

During my Lenten Journey I have taken time to reread parts of Huston Smith's classic work, The Soul of Christianity.  On page 65 he writes that during the first Lenten journey taken by Jesus, Jesus came to his last Passover season where he "steadfastly set his face toward Jerusalem."  Huston writes, "the word 'steadfastly' here is well chosen; it registers the determination he needed to face what was in store for him."  For Jesus, the week we now call "Holy Week" became a defining moment along his journey to the cross and the empty tomb.

What are some of the defning moments in your life along your journey with the Lord?  Often, for us, we see these moments in hindsight rather than foresight; but there come those moments in everyone's journey when we steadfastly set ourselves about the task that requires our best determination to face what is in store for us.  The determination to finish a college degree, change career directions, or make sacrificial lifestyle changes to help your children or grandchildren achieve their goals in life, requires a steadfastness to stay the course even in the midst of what you know will be hard and uncertain times.  There will be a cross to bear along the way, and you don't know who will always benefit from your sacrifice; but one thing is certain.  Those who stay the course will discover the truth behind the empty tomb that lies on the other side of the cross.

When you come to that defining moment along the way when you set your face steadfastly with Jesus in the direction of the cross, I pray you will feel him walking with you, giving you the strength and determination you need to stay on the course. 
